
Yoga Services

Private Instruction for Individuals or Groups: I am pleased to offer private yoga instruction. Each class would be tailored to your specific needs and goals. Whatever your reasons for wanting personalized attention- perhaps you are new to yoga, or want to deepen your practice, I offer my services and experience. And the beauty of it is that it is all done in the comfort of your home, or mine. Yoga Parties: I provide yoga parties tailored for all occasions. Wedding or baby showers, company celebrations, family gatherings, and holiday festivities can be a great reason to practice yoga with your friends and colleagues.   An energetic two-hour party would include setting a tone with a yogic theme, followed by an accessible yoga class for all bodies, breath work, and ending with guided meditation. Chanting, singing, journaling, or a group discussion would be the final touch. You just tell me what your group needs. Gentle Yoga Group: I host a gentle yoga class every week in my ho


I love this quote: Peace: it doesn't mean to be in a place with no noise, trouble, or hard work.  It means to be in the midst of those things, and still feel calm in your heart.

Receiving Mode

My friend and I are on an Abraham Hicks kick these days. We listen to videos on youtube, then text the links of good ones to each other (ps, they're all good!). Esther talks about being in the "receiving mode" more often. I think in yoga we would call it: surrender. We go into this mode after every yoga class, as we lie on our backs in savasana. When you are in this mode, you are open to wisdom and creativity. Options and ideas flow to you and through you. You are inspired. You are positive. You are joyful. Our culture values hard work and multitasking:"No pain, no gain." It views someone who naps as lazy. If you are not constantly checking off boxes, you are sliding backward. But when we are caught in a perpetual cycle of pushing, there leaves no room play, for imagination, for rest, nor for the manifestation of something not yet born. Tapping in to the receiving mode opens us up to possibilities we haven't yet fathomed. Some of the simplest ways


Recently, I talked with a new student in my class.  He showed up for the first time last week.  Although he is not new to yoga, he is new to me.  The week before, he was skeptical.  Didn't know if a gym yoga class would help him in his recovery from an almost fatal accident he was in, which left him without a bicept in is left arm. But today, he came in glowing.  He was late, so he spread out his mat, and joined in the beginning meditation, the asana session, and the savasana.  I could tell something was up.  He was particularly smiley, and moved through the postures in an almost blissful way. After our final "namaste," he approached me with a grin on his face. "I think your class has helped me already."  He went on to tell me that after last week's class, he was more easily able to zip up his sweater, without having to bend forward too much.  He felt more ease in his arm, albeit a miniscule amount.  The week had been full of tiny surprises that, to

Ultimate Purpose

This morning, the leaves were dancing Trees were hysterical waving their branches about The leaves were oblivious Free at long last Their best day On their worst behavior They swarmed together in spinning hoards They scattered across city streets No regard for traffic They lifted and landed, tossed and twisted swooped and swung raced and rested, as the wind dictated. Mother trees gasped in horror too afraid to look but unable to stop themselves. They hemmed and hawed sighed and sobbed waved and wailed reached and retracted as their children scattered freely about. The tree's choice is a familiar one: She can grasp tightly with sore branches denying the inevitable take it personal then  mourn her loss. Or she can let go let nature's plan unfold Giving up the months she spent Nurturing and caring for her precious leaves. For they have their own destination Their own divine path Either way, an inevitable windstorm will sweep through a

Relaxing Piano Music

I love piano. The velvety sound of this instrument takes me to another place- one that is full of emotional expression and power.  It truly uplifts me. Why is the instrument so relaxing? It has such a pure, calming sound. Piano has the ability to soothe, to inspire, or to coax out emotions that have been dormant. For these reasons, I love to play piano music in my yoga classes. It just feels like the right venue. These are two of the artists I use in some of my yoga classes. I have also peppered in a song or two from Liz Story. Check them out, preview them on itunes, buy their cd's. Enjoy!

Retreat to the Rainforest

Sometimes it feels good to be surrounded by people. Sometimes we need to be alone in nature. This week I definitely needed to be away from the world. Away from job, money, family, bills... the usual stressors. It was all gettin' to me. The Olympic Peninsula is where I wound up. I skipped town for a few days, staying at the lovely Lake Quinault Lodge. And although I was in the midst of a rainforest, I didn't get wet once- it was sunny and mild the whole time. I spent my time walking around the lake, hiking along lush trails, eating, napping, and swimming in a super warm indoor pool. Ahhhhh... It felt wonderful to reconnect with the softer side of life. The hikes were the best. Being among trees that are ages old is a humbling thing. Imagine the strength and flexibility one would need to live for that long. We could stand to learn a thing or two from the ancient forest. The first morning I woke up and walked out to the gazebo on the lawn. I was inspired to write