
Showing posts from November, 2009

On Veteran's Day

I always have very mixed feelings on Veteran's Day. I don't believe in war, and think it is an archaic way of trying to solve problems that creates pain and misery on a grand scale for everyone involved (which means every being on this planet). My heart goes out to the soldiers and their families. I don't know what it is like to have a child in the armed services, nor do I understand what it is like to use violence against another person to achieve something. My wish this Veteran's Day is that we as a country, as a world, and as a race find peaceful ways to answer questions. That rather than focusing on fighting for what isn't ours, instead of trying to claim what never can be claimed, we work in unison to solve problems. If not for us, then for future generations. This is a poem I read today from this very old little poetry book I have from 1916 called "A Heap O'Livin' " by Edgar A. Guest. The Peaceful Warriors "Let others sing their so

Rest Easy

This time of year it is easy to find yourself caught up in the busy-ness of the season. There is always something to buy, something to do, somewhere to go, someone to visit. We try not to get sick, so we over-dose on Emergen-C and vitamins. We wash our hands obsessively. The problem is that we don't stop. We forge on in the name of "holiday spirit" and the biggest thing that protects us from getting ill is the one thing we leave out of our day: rest. Becoming sick is our body's subtle way of whispering, "SLOW DOWN!!!" Sure she's given us plenty of warnings before we got sick, but we were too busy to notice. Like that time last week that when your body was exhausted after work, but you went out for drinks with friends instead of resting at home. Or that Saturday where you had nothing planned, so instead of taking an afternoon nap you scrubbed all the floors in your house. Sure things need to get done, but our priority should be the health and well