
Recently, I talked with a new student in my class.  He showed up for the first time last week.  Although he is not new to yoga, he is new to me.  The week before, he was skeptical.  Didn't know if a gym yoga class would help him in his recovery from an almost fatal accident he was in, which left him without a bicept in is left arm.

But today, he came in glowing.  He was late, so he spread out his mat, and joined in the beginning meditation, the asana session, and the savasana.  I could tell something was up.  He was particularly smiley, and moved through the postures in an almost blissful way.

After our final "namaste," he approached me with a grin on his face.

"I think your class has helped me already."  He went on to tell me that after last week's class, he was more easily able to zip up his sweater, without having to bend forward too much.  He felt more ease in his arm, albeit a miniscule amount.  The week had been full of tiny surprises that, to him, showed progress in his healing.  His smile spread to me, and my heart soared.

This is why I teach yoga.

Because when someone who is hurt finds a minute amount of healing, it is like arriving on top of a mountain.  Any tiny bit of progress feels like a grand feat, something to celebrate.  It provides hope that there is future healing, and perhaps, a pain-free future ahead.  No wonder he was so blissed out.  He found hope!

Yoga has done this for me, many times.  It has pulled me out of the depths of despair.  It has provided gentle restoration to my body and heart myriad times.  I am constantly discovering new benefits, and experiencing joy with my ever-changing practice.

I am full to the brim with gratitude today.  My life is so full with love and light- I can hardly believe it.  Thank you, my yoga students.  You make me so proud.

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