
Showing posts from January, 2018

Receiving Mode

My friend and I are on an Abraham Hicks kick these days. We listen to videos on youtube, then text the links of good ones to each other (ps, they're all good!). Esther talks about being in the "receiving mode" more often. I think in yoga we would call it: surrender. We go into this mode after every yoga class, as we lie on our backs in savasana. When you are in this mode, you are open to wisdom and creativity. Options and ideas flow to you and through you. You are inspired. You are positive. You are joyful. Our culture values hard work and multitasking:"No pain, no gain." It views someone who naps as lazy. If you are not constantly checking off boxes, you are sliding backward. But when we are caught in a perpetual cycle of pushing, there leaves no room play, for imagination, for rest, nor for the manifestation of something not yet born. Tapping in to the receiving mode opens us up to possibilities we haven't yet fathomed. Some of the simplest ways