
Showing posts from March, 2011

The Present is a Gift

In my yoga classes, I am always reminding my students to "stay present," to "let go of past and future," and "exist in the now." I know these things are easier said than done. That is why we practice. Yoga class is designed to practice skills that we can translate into our daily lives. Create healthy living routines. We must spend a lot of time undoing what harm our current habits have engrained in us. It is not wasted time, let me tell you. It is practice. But the payoff is tremendous. When we are engaged in the present, we lose track of physical time, and exist in the joy of what it is we are doing. Sometimes these moments of "flow" are fleeting, and escape us easily, and sometimes these moments are stretched out like a peaceful blanket of contentment. The magic of the present is calming and inspiring at one time. My mind draws to last week, spending time with my niece (see her gorgeous picture above). We were sitting on the couch, book on her