
Showing posts from February, 2009

My Top 10 Reasons for Practicing Yoga (in random order)

1. Muscular strength 2. Flexibility 3. Injury prevention 4. Balance 5. Peace of mind 6. Lower stress level 7. Increased level of contentment 8. Opening myself to new opportunities 9. Learning to listen to myself/others 10. Feeling unity with the world/my community

All You Need Is...

Its no secret that these are hard times.  We are bombarded by signals all day long that we are in a huge economic crisis, our infrastructure seems to be collapsing, the model from which we have based our livelihoods is failing. And things just aren't looking up any time soon.  As straights become more dire, it becomes harder to imagine our world as a healthy, happy place.  Watching loved ones around us suffer can have devastating effects on our psyche, personally and collectively.  We may begin to cling desperately to what we have, hoarding our belongings in fear.  We may get caught in the circular funnel of anger and bitterness.  Or we may blindfold ourselves, refusing to view the inevitable changes in life.  But it is important to view life's foibles with a sense of curiosity and an open heart.   Take time to peak inside yourself and ask what you can do to return to a healthy, happy world.  Remember that what you need you already have.  As human beings, we contain all the too